Our Coaching Philosophy
Our coaching philosophy stems from our strong belief that to be a successful coach, one must connect the dots between what is being taught on the field to implementing those lessons into life off the field. As leaders for our students, it's our responsibility to provide them with a positive, safe, and enjoyable environment that will help nurture their growth. That growth should be tracked and rewarded.
Our five simple principles to help promote this type of environment are...
Teamwork: Everyone part of our program is here for one another and to help each other reach their highest abilities.
Respect: Coaches are expected to respect the students and students to offer the same respect to their coaches.
Focus: When training mentally or physically, those involved in the session must maintain their focus.
Attitude: To create a safe and enjoyable environment, we need to keep a positive attitude.
Effort: In life, you get out, what you put in. We ask for 100% effort, no matter the outcome.
Elements of a Successful Coach
"If your not making mistakes, then your not doing anything. I'm positive that the doer makes mistakes." -John Wooden